Out of all the vendors that you choose for your wedding, your reception musicians are one of the most important. They alone have the ability to govern whether your reception is successful or boring, whether your guest will have a good time or whether they will leave early. So the question is, how do you pick the right one? Especially since there is SOOO many to choose from in Austin. Here are a few tips to lead you in the right direction.

First of all, let the type of person you are and the type of reception you are wanting govern what type of musician you use. I've seen it all; from the typical DJ and/or band to an accordion player that weaved in and out of dancers while expertly playing his instrument. Don't be afraid to use creativity. For example, a reggae musician for a tropical themed wedding would enhance the feel and create a memorable event for your guests. The good thing about Austin is that you can probably find whatever you can possibly dream.

Whether you are going with a wedding pro or something a little less traditional make sure you check them out before hand. Go to one of their gigs, see them perform at another wedding, make sure that they have excellent equipment, and very importantly, make sure that they are comfortable making announcements and getting the crowd involved. Your reception will depend on it.

One thing that I always tell my brides...your entertainment is not a place you want to save. Keeping these things in mind will head you in the right direction when choosing your reception music.
Musicians Pictured form top to bottom;
Justin from Complete Music
Mr. Fabulous
Stafford from Complete Music