This Sunday was the Austin Wedding Guide Bridal Extravaganza and boy was it a wonderful

First of all, try not to bring you fiancé. Lets face it, they really don't want to be there and they will complain most of the time. You as a bride can not accomplish all that is necessary when he's hurrying you to leave. If he does insist on going or you have no one else to go with, make sure that you give him tasks. Great responsibilities for the guys are researching cake bakers, caterers, and musicians. If he can take care of those, that will free you up to look at florals, wedding planners, and dresses.
Go to the show with an agenda. If you need a florist and a DJ, scope out where their booths are located and visit only those booths. If you look at everything, you may begin to regret your choices of vendors or sign a contract for a margarita machine that is not in your budget.
Print out address labels with your name, preferred form of contact, and wedding date. Many vendors will want this information; with labels you will avoid writing or saying it over and over again. Also, labels ensure that all of the information is correct and legible.
Lastly, bring a camera. With all the different vendors, its easy to forget the ones you really like. Take a picture of their booth and then you can pair up their brochure with their picture. Also, if you see a floral arrangement or cake design that you like, you can take a picture and send it to your florist or baker.
These shows are a really great way to save a little bit of money and get some really neat ideas. Most of the vendors will have show specials and, who knows, you might even win a vacation.
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